Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Glossary powerpoint

When I was searching on the internet for preferred, oppositional and negotiated reading and I came across this powerpoint which contains many words which we have come across yet not necessarily understood. This powerpoint clearly defines these words and great for revision.Media Glossary
View more presentations from Rob McMinn

Marxist theory

Preferred reading 

Producers of a media text design it with a certain meaning in mind. They hope that audiences will decode their text in a certain way - particularly if the text is an advertisement. Preferred readings are those which tie in with hegemonic beliefs.
Oppositional reading
Where the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader.
Negotiated reading
A reading of a text which assumes that no absolute meaning exists and that meaning is generated and negotiated by what the reader brings to the text in terms of attitudes, values, beliefs and experience.
This is from the Marxist theory.

Photos from our first day of filming

This is the bike we used, we thought it was great due to the indie and antique look giving the opening a querky feel, being the main focus of our film.

This is Alyce and Megan discussing the shot as I ride in at the start, trying to get the frame and setting perfect.

This is the extreme close up of the bell on the bike. the bell was in the foreground and in focus and the backgroud was the leaves and out of focus, this gave a really good effect as the quality of the camera showed the rust of the bell. I flick the belll with my thumb which shall change colour to the beat of the song.

This is when  I was pressing play on the ipod and Megan was getting a close up shot of it over my shoulder.

This was when I was riding through. Megan stood on a bench and panned as I rode round the corner. 

This is my outfit and the bike.

This was when Megan was in the trolley tracking me from behind as i rode down the hill. By the photo im sure you can tell it was very funny, but worked as a treat as we got the perfect shot.

To get an aerial shot Megan climbed up a tree. It doesnt look that high from the photo, but it really was and the shot was brilliant in the end ! 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Film draft 1

This is our first draft of our opening to our film. This is only a first draft and room for a lot of improvement but it gives us a basis on what we are looking for in our opening and gives us a faint outline of the structure. Obviously there will be other seasons that will be inserted to give effect and to make the auience want to see more.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

First day of filming!

First day of filming opened our eyes a lot to the amount of effort we need to put into this film opening and boy did we work hard! We took numerous amounts of takes to get the shot perfect as I try to put on my best acting face came at some price. We used a Sainsbury's shopping trolley as a dolly, Megan climbed a tree to get an aerial shot and sat in the trolley with Sophie and Alyce pushing frantically to catch up with me and keep the tracking smooth, not forgetting getting told to go back and ride again the most uncomfortable bike ever... in a dress... in winter.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Date decided

We have decided on our first date for filming, which is the Thursday 10th November which we have got the whole afternoon and after school to get our first season. Having looked at the weather forecast and it going to be white cloud we can either make it sunny or autumn using the contrast and brightness change on  imovie.

Storyboards attempt 1

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Collage on age representations within the media

Collage on Age representations

Setting decided!

We have finally made a step in the right direction as we have decided on our setting. Below is a photo which Megan took of the park, the leaves are great for our bike ride to signify autumn and the bends in the pavement means that our camera shots can be taken from many different angles.