Monday 24 October 2011

Our finalised story line

Our first plan

Abandoning synopsis' 2 and 3, and mostly 1, we created a new story line for our opening using the basis of synopsis 1 yet withdrawing the use of flash-backs and the 1960's theme. We liked the use of a vintage bike ride through a country lane and abandoned all possibilities of the genre being a thriller and now have stuck to it being quirky, colouful and a happy theme. The girl on the bike will have a quirky, indie dress sense, yet look very innocent with a continuous smile throughout the monotonous frames (which to my utter dislike has been decided that I, myself suit this persona). With the use of extreme close ups, close ups, tracking the bike ride, wide angles and many more camera angles, shots and movements, the story line of the opening is perfect for adding many shots due to the basic idea. There will be many different costume changes and looks the actress will have to adopt, yet the mise-en-scene and setting will not change and the use of repetition of the shots will show how the girl makes the same bike ride everyday.

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