Sunday, 16 October 2011

Possible Film Openings

After lengthy discussions with my group, a couple of petty disagreements and a lot of sighing we have completely decided on the NOT using the genre of horror or thriller, as many groups have indeed chosen. I know we are considering the theme of 1960's, as one of our ideas was a journey on a vintage bike, yet the main part of an actual story line is missing.

We have set up a facebook group chat so we can easily access each other and we can share our ideas online which is really handy as it is hard to meet up all the time.


  1. An excellent idea - the Facebook thingy - but is there any way to keep archiving it onto your blogs??

    Otherwise, the moderator and myself won't be able to 'see' your discussions/decision making...

  2. Yes, the print screen idea was what I was thinking - just wasn't sure if there was another way round it for your blogs (not on FB, so don't know how it works)

