Thursday, 22 December 2011


Last Wednesday, me and Megan decided to film. Although the weather was very similar to previous shots and we were missing two members of our group (meaning we couldn't even attempt at doing any tracking shots with a dolly) difficulties arose, yet we pressed on and our filming went quite well. We used a gorilla pod so that we could attach the camera to the bike and myself giving a POV angle and cantered moving shots. Due to the depth of focus being shallow, the view of the focused bike, yet the blurred moving background gave a superb effect, adding to our many different shots. We also realised that our aerial  shot would have to be the ending to our opening, yet the sharp cutting of the different shots didn't look right as the ending, so we took the opportunity to shoot some footage of the path beyond the trees (where the aerial shot took place). This turned out to be successful and we now know a great final shot to use, that signifies ending to the opening, yet more to come of the film.

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