Thursday, 22 December 2011


Watching this film creates many, many questions, yet having seen this film before watching in class, it proves to me all too well the amount of questions it brings up just by me listening around me. The great group of actors and actress involved makes the film entirely (not forgetting the amazing plot), Morgan freeman, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow and my favourite of the film, Kevin Spacey, who fails not to portray his character with every bit of intelligence and wit he can muster, especially madness. The plot of the story begins confusing, yet when the first word of Gluttony appears the seven deadly sins seems to be the perfect excuse. The torturous and vile murders are very gory, they portray a picture of how much the murderer through the certain murders wants the police to know e.g. clues like the word Gluttony inscribed in fat/grease behind the fridge. Also by going against the conventions of a thriller, or police/villain on the loose plot, of the murderer handing himself in, is a major twist as throughout the whole plot you side with the police (preffered reading) yet when the murderer gives his view you start to believe him (oppositional reading). The ending is twisted, yet shocking, as pieces bind together and the seven deadly sins are all played out.

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